For Mon 21 May: Instructions of your own making. Write detailed, clear instructions for one of the following: 1) your favourite meal or food. 2) how to play a game. 3) care and feeding of a pet.
Possible game suggestions: Hide and Seek, Chess, Scrabble, Darts, Risk, Battleship, Clue, Monopoly, Checkers, Dodgeball, etc. PLEASE, NO VIDEO GAMES! (uninteresting, soporific, rebarbative, tedious)
Other thoughts:
1) With your instructions on what TO do you may also include what NOT to do.
2) You may include a diagram or three, be sure to keep your captions very clear and concise.
3) You may want to creaet headings for the different sections.
For Thu 17 May: Have your order ready! Get it? Here is the Pizza jumble:
For Monday 14 May: Hand in first completed drafts of your critical essays on "The Evacee". Be sure to use all the previous work we've done on the poem in class and as homework. Follow the writing frame except for the instruction at the bottom. DO NOT put in your opinion, rather, comment on the use of Scots dialect. We've gone over the effect in class.
For Tuesday 1 May: in your jotters (or on A4 if you forgot your jotters) write a P.E.E for for the first two points under the Evacuee section of your writing frame.
For Monday 23 April:
Yellow Book - "The Vampire" passage 10;
Green Book - "Oscar Fashion" passage 10
Pink Book - To be determined
For the Tuesday after break:
Those of you that said he can control his emotions. Think about the fact he is crying. Is he controlling his emotions? If not, what does that say about his larger situation?
For Friday 30 March: explain why the boy in the poem "The Evacuee"is not in control of his situation. Explain also the one thing he is at least partially in control of while everything around him seems to be falling apart. Think abstractly. Think about the way he speaks and think what that means.
For Friday 30 March: Close reading
Yellow Book - "Gardens" passage 9;
Green Book - "Chocolat" passage 9.
Pink Book - "No Football" passage 9
Due Monday 26 Mar:
Green Book - "Ancient Russia" passage 8.
Due Tuesday 27 Mar: Redrafts of news stories, unless Miss Ballentyne told you not to.
1C Due Thursday 22 Mar: write the explanation part for the following point and example:
Point: Poet Jim Blaikie chose to write "The Evacuee" in Scots.
Example: "Ma gas mask boax hings frae ma neck, Tears drappin' frae ma ee;"
Explanation - you come up with your own reasons for why Mr. Blakie made the choice he did.
1E Due Wednesday 21 March: first drafts of your diary as an evacuee. To include three days:
1) the day you are told. Relate your reactions, thoughts, fears.
2) the day you are mustered at school, have to travel, have to be allocated a new home with strangers. Relate the process and your thoughts, feelings, expectations (if any).
3) your first day with the new foster parent, or parents, or family.
things to think about in your writing:
Do you like them? Do they like you? Do they seem to want you or are they annoyed they had to take you? How are they different? How are they the same? Are they kind? mean? strict? lenient? What expectations do they have of you? Finish by reflecting on what you think it will be like to stay with them. Are you looking forward to an adventure or are you dreading the experience?
Make up really cool stories! Run with your imagination but make the experience seem real and believable.
Due Monday 12 March, OR ELSE!: 1st drafts of your newspaper article if you have not already handed them in.
For Friday 16 March: Close reading
Yellow Book - "The Playground" passage 8;
Green Book - "Ancient Russia" passage 8.
Pink Book
For Friday 9 March: Close reading
Yellow Book - "Big Brother" passage 7;
Green Book - "The Lollipop Shoes" passage 7.
Pink Book
For Friday 10 February: Write a dateline for your news article using AP format. Decide if your story will be filed locally or internationally and adjust the dateline accordingly.
For Friday 10 February: Close reading - Yellow Book "Tom"; Green Book - "Hounds".
For Monday 6 February: Begin recounting news stories to the class. One boy and one girl - one minute each, each day. This will be a standing homework assignment for everybody.S) Allow to cool to the point where the cheese settlesR) Place dough onto floured boardQ) Remove prepared 6oz dough ball from bowlP) Stretch to between 9-12” of a 6 ox piece of doughO) Place pizza in preheated oven and bake for 5-8 minutesN) Remove pizza from ovenM) Slide pizza onto the baking trayL) Add grated cheeseK) Slice with rolling slicer into eighths.J) Sprinkle semolina flour liberally on baking panI) If unsuccessful, roll out dough on floured board with floured rolling pinH) Remove tomato sauce, toppings, and grated cheese from fridgeG) Remove prepared dough balls from fridge two hours before making pizzaF) Stretch out the dough by bouncing and rotating it on the back of your floured hands giving a gentle stretch with each bounce and rotation.E) Sprinkle semolina flour on your hands and work surfaceD) Add other chosen toppingsC) Cover the pizza dough with tomato sauceB) Preheat oven to 290 C.