past Sparkly Stars

W/E 18 May: Liam, S2: for coming up with the word of the week. Leah and Liam, S2 for the two highest marks in the close reading.

W/E 11 May: Lauren and Ewen: S1, for recognising and identifying the technique of imagery.

W/E 23 Mar:Ewan: S1, for knowing the workd inanimate.

Kai: S1, for remembering the Lindesfarne Gospels.

Jemimah and Lewis: S1, for superb literary analysis!
Past Stars: S1: Jemimah and Liam: for knowing how to prioritize information in a news story based upon shifting frames of reference. Well done! S2: Leah: for displaying academic initiative and intellectual curiosity. S2: Holly: for knowing the word anthropomorphism and what it means! S2: Allison: for knowing the name of the figure on the reverse of a 50p coin. Ryan, for knowing what she represents. Duncan, S-2: for a well presented news story. Ryan, S-2: for knowing the meaning of enthralled. David, S-2: for a superbly presented and informative news story.Claire, S-2: for knowing the word anomaly.Craig, S-1: for seeing a job that needed to be done and doing it w/o having to be asked. Ewan and Kieran, S-1: for thinking outside the box. Daniel and Joe, S-1: for recognizing intertextual connections.

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